Have you ever had a task to do, and everytime you started working on it ... something would happen to delay you or something would go wrong? It was like one thing after another happened, and after awhile you felt like giving up. It just robbed you of your time, your energy, and your willingness to keep at it.
I fear that many are doing this in their spiritual lives. I see more despair in the people I know than ever before. I find it happening to myself ... this pervasive sense of helplessness ... that things are out of control ... that somehow nothing will get better. That your life no longer has purpose ... and you just feel like giving up. People are overwhelmed financially, spiritually, emotionally, and they don't have the support system they need. No one wants to listen much anymore, because they are so overwhelmed with their own lives! How did we ever get this way?
What if things get worse? What if we do have some things for this country to face that are more difficult than we ever imagined? What if life is going to get tougher? What if we don't find the support we need? What do we do? How do we survive?
I truly believe that it is a conscious decision. The greatest tool for defeat is fear. Fear of the unknown, fear we are not good enough, fear we're not strong enough, fear of rejection, fear of trying something new -- fear that maybe no one is in control. Fear robs us of all faith, and fills us with a sense of dread around the clock. Are you feeling this? Come on ... you can be honest. If you are ... and I think most are to a certain degree, we have to change this situation.
Have you ever seen the body builders in gyms? They are so focused ... they are there all hours, working out, lifting weights, exercising, and are very dedicated to getting stronger. They eat right; they sleep right; they are disciplined. They know how to become stronger ... by working on it! They have a plan and they are extremely disciplined about sticking to it.
Why should we as 'Christians' be less dedicated? It is the same with our spirit -- we need to build it up and do things that make it stronger. Just thinking positive is not enough, although it is a vital part of our thought life. Just having someone listen to us is not enough; they will go home and we will still have to deal with whatever we are facing. We need a game plan, friends. So my suggestion is for you to get one ... and stick to it. Be disciplined in your approach to life. Because if things do get worse, if bad things do happen ... we have to be the example that we stand upon the rock ... not upon sinking sand.
Strength comes when we let go of our problems and let God be in control. Strength comes when we realize we are weak, but He is strong. Friends, if hard times are ahead ... you must prepare your mind ... we cannot become a nation of people who allow the enemy to come in and defeat us mentally and thereby bring chaos upon us. We have got to be like those body builders, persistent in doing the things we know will build us up and make us strong. It is all a choice.
How do you want to spend your life? You are the only one who can make it different. You have to start sometime. Why not today? God loves you and has plans for you and will protect you. Just trust.
by Millie Plastaras (c) 7/17/04, all rights reserved